Recount Text in School

 Walks Around SKAONE

  I left the class to go to the canteen at 8.29, on the way to the canteen I passed a group of TKL children who were chatting in front of the class. Then arrive at the canteen at 8.30. While in the canteen I bought rock sugar tea juice and spring rolls at canteen 1 "Pak Sriyono's Canteen." While in the canteen my friends and I chatted and we also played the Free Fire game.

  After we finished eating and drinking, and were bored of playing games, my friends and I went around the school. My friends and I headed to the main square. When passing through the hallway next to the teacher's room, I found that a poster had fallen and the frame was damaged.

  When I passed the front of the meeting room I met the principal, Mrs. Ummi Rosydiana. And on the field I saw students playing sports. Some are playing volleyball and badminton.

  After that I walked around past the prayer room. I entered room G102 and in that room I found a broken table.

The table is damaged but can still be used for teaching and learning activities.

  After walking around I returned to the classroom. I arrived at class at 09.10. When I got to class I started working on the assignment given by Ms. Yuni, the task given was to create a recount text telling about what things we encountered while touring the school.


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Recount Text